Golf Rehab

Does pain limit your ability to perform an optimal swing that your coach is teaching you? Does poor flexibility limit your ability to achieve an optimal golf swing? Do you say to yourself; If only I could move better would I be able to perform the movements that my golf coach is teaching me?

The golf swing is a highly complex athletic movement that requires flexibility of the shoulders, spine, hips, and ankles. As any golfer knows, a minor fault in swing mechanics can have major implications. At Athletic Movements, we break down the biomechanics of the golf swing using slow-motion video technology and identify even the most minor deficits that can create poor body mechanics and poor fundamentals in the golf swing.

He has over a decade of golfing experience and is TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) Level 1 and M2 certified. He uses video technology to break down the biomechanics of his patient’s golf swing and identify swing mechanics faults that can create injuries. Specific treatment protocols are used to help prevent injury prone swing mechanics, as well as treating chronic injuries developed from the golf swing.